Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Hate Crimes: Prevention And Victim Assistance

21.10.2015 / 938

Early detecting and preventing acts of discrimination, as well as giving first psychological aid to the victims — all that was being taught by OSCE experts.

Agenda of the two-day seminar for Kharkiv activists, held at “National” Hotel on October 19–20, had blocks of lectures and trainings on monitoring hate crimes and supporting the victims. All that information was provided with closest links to Ukrainian and International legislation.

Experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights invited representatives of different social and religious organisations, ethnic groups and diaspores, to take part in the event. Kharkiv Muslims were represented by Mr.Yevhen Hlushchenko, Imam at Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Centre mosque and Deputy Head of RAMU “Umma”.

Trainers from Europe appreciated the audience’s profound skills in working with a professional information, even though it was provided in English. People whose English wasn’t very good had simultaneous translation at their service, though.


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