Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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07.01.2011 / 899 is a newly-opened web-site about
Ukraine in Arabic. As an editor-in-chief, Mohammed Safwan Julak told to us, it will inform not only about the Arabs in
Ukraine, but also about all events in our country. "We are very much interested in elections, gas issue, policy as a whole. Certainly, much will be about the Arabs who live here, - he says. – Nowadays other sites write about
Ukraine, too, but not so wide, and their messages concern basically Arabs".

The site is opened by the information-analytical centre "Аlraid". Except the resource on the Internet, the centre will publish a monthly newspaper devoted to analytics.

Source: Today

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