Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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01.03.2010 / 662

This ayat of the Holy Quran became the slogan of the seminar-training organized by the All-Ukraine Female Committee of the Association "Аlraid" for active Muslim women from different regions of Ukraine, which took place, in Kiev, on February, 20-21st.

To participation in the action were invited Muslims who actively visit Islamic organizations and centers in their regions, help to the work of social organizations and are members of female clubs.

The seminar program included the lectures promoting increase of spirituality and strengthening of sisterly relations. The organizers paid special attention to a practical part, carrying out trainings in the second day of the action. After all, as it shows the experiment, it is necessary to support the theory with practice for effective mastering of the material.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was an obvious example of his words. Any saying which sounded from his lips, was always observed in the actions of the Prophet, Alauddin Al-Garbawi noted in his lecture. In Hadith which reached us it is narrated about attractive qualities and character traits of our envoy which he had in relation with his associates. Following his example, the Ukrainian Muslims bring up in themselves a set of the necessary qualities which are essential for communication with people.

One should not forget that result is in command work. In the atmosphere of general discussion Ismail Kady emphasized the importance of the rallied collective, "After all the collective helps to hide lacks of each separate individual. In a command everyone supplements another, as the popular wisdom says - "two hands is fine, and four is better"", emphasized Kady.

Following the example of the Prophet does not do without sincerity of intentions. Pure intention is a pretext for any beginning. Tariq Sarhan in his lecture mentioned the issue of sincerity before the Almighty.

"Sincerity attracts the great award from our Creator and helps the person to choose the correct, true purpose".

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "If through you Allah leads someone, it is better for you, than all that, at what the sun looks". May Allah the Almighty reward everyone who makes sincere efforts on His way!

Info. Department of the AUASO "Alraid"

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