Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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28.10.2009 / 729

Dr. Jamal Badawi, renowned in the Islamic world scholar, visited
Ukraine at the invitation of the AUASO "Alraid". Recognized in the whole world expert on Muslim-Christian dialogue, Professor of Religious Studies of the University of St. Mary, Canada, Halifax, a member of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, on November, 9-10, read a series of lectures for Ukrainian Muslims in the Kiev Islamic Cultural Center.

Ukraine is visited by scholars of such a level of knowledge, wrote The professor is the author of several books and dozens of articles, he created a 352-series program about Islam and Muslims for Canadian and American channels.


Dr. Jamal pays a lot of attention to the problems of Muslim families, living in a non-Muslim society.

In the course of his lectures in
Kiev, Dr. Badawi raised the subject of an incorrect understanding and use of certain Arabic words that are associated with Islam.

"Unfortunately, modern media often try to explain the word "jihad" as a holy war, whereas in fact in the Shariah there is simply no such thing.

"Jihad" - جهاد – (from the Arabic force"), means zeal or attempt to fix something for the better. Actually there are several types of jihad, the highest of them is the struggle with the weakness of one's own soul", the scholar explained.

"Take the word "kafir", it is often translated as a non-believer, but this word has entirely different meaning", Dr. Badawi said. "Its root is composed of three letters "kaf", "fa", "ra", the verb of the letters "kafara" means to cover or to hide something, that is explained by the word "kafir" as the one who conceals the truth, especially the one who sees the signs of God, but hides his human nature to believe in the existence of the Creator".

The next lecture, entitled "Facilitation in Islam" was no less interesting for the Ukrainian Muslims.

"Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties" (The Holy Quran, 2:185). Dr. Jamal Badawi, focused on the fact that God wants above all facilitation for a human being, rather than to cause him hardships. Therefore, it is not necessary to seek for more complex ways of addressing issues in an effort to test one's patience, and the patience of others. The Prophet (peace be upon him) chose the easiest way of two, - said the professor.

After the lecture, Dr. Badawi answered the questions of Muslims. All of them were primarily related to problems that arise among the believers living in non-Islamic society: how to live with spouses, if one of them is not a Muslim, how to raise children in a non-Muslim society, whether to vaccinate children when there are tragic cases as a result of vaccinations, these and many other questions were asked during the meeting with the scholar".

Informational department of the AUASO "Alraid"

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