Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Сhildren Took Patronage Over Flowerbeds

04.06.2014 / 1049

Participants of the children’s summer camp held  at the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centreat these days made sure that the flowers they planted on the International Day for Protection of Children took their roots and will delight the eyes of the Centre’s visitors for a long time. Quite symbolic that the “flowers of life” (Russian metaphor for “children”) indeed planted flowers.

The camp, launched on May 31, will last until June 8. It hosts kids aged 6 to 12, dividing them in for crews. Each crew has its own title, motto, counselor and even special scarves of a certain color.

Young gardeners enjoyed that experience so much that the camp administration was plied with petitions asking to repeat this ecological event some time later. This, however, is hardly to happen within this year’s programme, which is varied. Young Muslims still have their lessons of painting cups, salad bowls and decorative plates, creating key fobs and jewelry of polymer clay, pyrogravure and many other things to do.

tags: children, children’s summer camp, Kyiv ICC, education


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