Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Ukrainian Custom Regulations Guide For Tourists And Students, Part I

26.07.2013 / 981

The matter of import and export regulations is one of the first rising when planning to go abroad. Nobody wants problems with their luggage while going through the customs check at the border. The human rights NGO “Together with the Law” specialists developed a special Ukrainian Custom Regulations Guide for tourists and students.

Importing Valuables And Personal Belongings

There is a limit for the weight and cost of the goods you bring in to Ukraine; there’s no taxing within this limit. The “goods” category also includes gifts, souvenirs, etc.

When arriving by plane the limit for the cost of goods is €1000, the weight is limited by the airline company. When arriving either by car, bus or train you have the right to import goods of total cost up to €500 under 50 kg.

You can bring personal demand items without taxation, but please keep in mind that you may be asked to declare them in writing by the authorized customs officer. The “personal demand items” include cameras with accessories, recorder, dictaphone, PC and accessories, binocular, worn jewelry, wheelchair, sport kits, hand musical instruments, two computers and 3 flash memory cards.

Pieces of art and rare books are considered valuables,for which obligatory declaration and taxation are required.

Importing Money

You can bring up to €10 000. You need a bank reference certifying this money is taken from your personal account when exceeding this sum.

If you made money transactions abroad without any bank involved, you have to open a personal account anyway, put your money there, declare it and get a bank reference you will be asked to show on the border.

Importing Foodstuff

Starting from July, 2012, physical entities (both residents and nonresidents) have the right to import the following products without taxation if their summarized price is under €200 (in equivalent) and their amount is:

- foodstuff in the packed for retail by the producer - not more than 1 pack of up to 2 kg of each item per person;

- unpacked - up to 2 kg of each item per person;

- unpacked - indivisible product ready for direct consumption - not more than 1 item per person.

Besides, each person in the age of 18+ can import 1 liter strong drink (more than 22% alcohol by volume), 2 liters wine, 5 liters of beer, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 gram of tobacco or other tobacco products.

Import of foodstuff by physical entities for further free circulation (resale, exchange, etc) is prohibited.

Import By Special Permission

You need to have a special permission from the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior for importing explosives, firearms, sidearms and means of self-defence (namely gas barrels).

Special veterinary health certificate is needed for importing pets or domestic animals

Tourists are allowed to import up to 5 packages of the same pharmacon items (excluding narcotic drugs and psychopharmacological agents)  in their luggage or hand-luggage. If the therapy regimen demands more pharmacon items, the limit is settled by the individual prescription sealed by the doctor or respective health care facilities.

Importing narcotic drugs and psychopharmacological agents needs a special permission of the Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health.

Prohibited For Importing

It is prohibited to import foodstuff without certificate of conformance, written and filmed materials propagandizing racism, violence and war, explosives and poisonous substances.


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