Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Problem of Domestic Violence Discussed at Female Conference in Kharkiv

09.03.2012 / 1071
On March, 5th, 2012, in the Islamic cultural centre "Al-Manar" there passed annual female spring conference “Islam against violence in the family” under the slogan “Family disintegration is a result of disintegration of the society”. 3 reports were presented for attention and discussion of the gathered, who searched for the ways of overcoming of problematic issues.
Oksana Elsheikh raised a very pressing issue in the modern Ukrainian society, as “Family without obligations”. She presented the sad statistics illustrating consequences of free intersexual relations and divorces in families. People ceased to approach seriously creation of a strong and happy family, education of children as worthy members of the society; and after all divorce of parents are included into the first three of the reasons of teenage suicides. Youth prefers free relationships, without obligations before each other. 
“Everything starts within a family and education... Health, well-being and power of the whole human civilisation depend on well-being of this cell of the society”, was separately emphasized by the lecturer before passing to illumination of an Islamic point of view on creation of a family and education of worthy descendants. Giving to the man a freedom in choice and building of household and habits in a family, the Almighty established fundamental laws and duties of spouses both in relation to each other, and to parents, children, other relatives. This basis urged to provide balance and harmony, and also to protect each participant of family relations.
Not less pressing topic discussed Anna Othman in her report “Islam against violence in the family”. Denying the imposed by mass-media and mass culture stereotypes, Anna from the very beginning emphasized that Islam is the religion which forbids and blames aggression in any form. Violence in a family is one of the sharpest and the most widespread social problems which victims become not only women or both spouses, but first of all children. They suffer from emotional, physical and even sexual violence from those whom the Almighty appointed as their defenders. In 85 % of families children suffer from different kinds of violence, however the set of forms of its display in the society is considered to be a norm that is improbably regrettable – after all at growing for these children with the crippled mentality it is very difficult subsequently not to reproduce the model of behavior which they acquired in the childhood.
Islam is the religion of the good and perfect morals that is incompatible with the concept of violence of the strong over the weak. Shariah establishments concerning home life urged to settle the most harmoniously family relations that relative bonds were the blessing in life for each member of the family.
In the report finishing the conference, “The ideal society – a myth or reality?” Anna Grishchenko forced the present to think of a question: “Why in the century of progress and high technologies in public life there arise more and more problems; and in the developed countries violence, criminality and control over birth rate all the same prosper?”
She reminded all the basic statutes of the model of a healthy society prescribed by Islam, based on responsibility, mutual aid, justice and mercy; societies in which there is no place for corruption schemes and aspiration to hold a high post exclusively for the sake of a personal profit.
Summing up the conference, the lecturer emphasized, “Only following the example of our righteous successors we can build healthy, civilized society with high moral qualities”.
In the end of the action the guests were acquainted with the activity of the female club which was shined in presentation. After that everybody gathered for a traditional sweet treatment in the course of which the participants could get acquainted in more close way and to communicate in the sincere company behind a cup of fragrant tea and delicacies.
Staff reporter.


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