Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

In Vinnitsa passed Female Spring Meeting

17.03.2011 / 997

With approach of spring the Social Organization "Al-Isra" of
Vinnitsa which is a part of the AUASO "Alraid", held a female seminar, "Muslim Woman in the Modern World". At the meeting were discussed the topics of related links, wedding and a headdress of a Muslim woman – hijab.

Opening the seminar this fine spring day, Vera Fryndak, the active worker of the Female Social Organization "Maryam", wished everybody that the first rays of the sun warming the earth which is still cold by their heat, shined the souls of the present.

Vera's lecture was not less warm, after all the reminder on related links touches both heart and soul, "Allah warns us about breaking family links…" We do not dominate over emotions of our hearts; therefore let us show patience to relatives for the sake of Allah. Forgive those who offend you, and take the first step to reconciliation. It is very important to realize that the society will be strong only when there will be strong related links".

The girl is the future wife, mother, and the keeper of home, therefore very useful and substantial were advices of the chairman of the SO "Al-Isra". He addressed to the present with the words, "Wedding is the resolute and important step in the human life, nikah is a great oath, it is necessary to realize that divorce is the last decision in Islam".

In his turn, the manager on public relations of the AUASO "Alraid", Olga Fryndak, told about the value of hijab, "The scarf displays the inner hijab that is behavior of a girl. It is impossible to come to hijab without faith, therefore it is absolutely not compatible to the bright make-up, fitting and transparent clothes. Choosing the style of hijab, a Muslim woman strives to please Allah the Almighty".

After the lectures the girls gathered in a circle to share stories from their life, "How I dressed hijab". Each story is surprising in its own way, after all girls went to it, realizing all the responsibility before the Creator.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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