Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

International School Students visited ICC

17.03.2011 / 981

Students of the American international school in
Kiev visited the Islamic Social Cultural Centre within the limits of an educational institution course on religious studies. About 45 little girls and boys have shown interest to culture of the Islamic world.

During the excursion the students behind school desks of school of the Arabic language "An-Nur" repeated together with the teacher the letters of the Arabic alphabet. Then they visited a mosque where they had a discussion with the Imam and Khatyb of the ICC, Sheikh Imad Abu Al-Rubb.

The reception became a terminal point of an hour walk on the Centre. Together with employees of the Department on Acquaintance with Islam and Oriental Culture young visitors discussed questions which interested them and received the basic information on Islam and life of Muslims.

It is necessary to notice that the Department on Acquaintance with Islam and Oriental Culture annually repeatedly leads similar excursions in the ICC to students of faculties of cultural science and oriental studies of various high schools of
Ukraine, and students of schools and colleges.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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