Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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23.06.2009 / 471

By Will of Allah the Almighty, the official web-site of the AUASO "Alraid" develops and replenishes. The current step of its development is design change, and also replenishment by new headings and sections. Besides news of the Association and the press review, now you can find on the site the new heading "Actuality" where it will be possible to find answers to the pressing questions, concerning Islam in Ukraine and life of Muslims.

For the first time on the web-site it is possible to familiarize oneself with editions of "Ansar Foundation" which is a part of "Alraid". "AF" releases the audio and video data, books, brochures, posters. Now the visitors of the web-site of "Alraid" can one of the first learn about release of the new production. Besides it, the heading "Our Editions" will cover the newspaper "Alraid".

In the section "Multimedia" it is possible to listen to audio materials of lessons and lectures which take place in the Islamic cultural centers of Ukraine.
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