Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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26.05.2014 / 2068

Modesty is a peculiarity of the traditional dressing for many nations of the world. That was caused by both natural culture and the religion dominating in it. The Female Social Organisation “Noor” themed event, held at Simferopol Islamic Cultural Centre on May 22, Demonstrated culture of several nations together, such as Crimean Tatars, Arabs and Hindus. Eastern Culture lovers came in order to learn about the elements of traditional dress and its elements, discuss fashionable novelties, learn new headscarf styling techniques and also enjoy the nasheeds and folk dances.

The facilitators made sure that the speech reflected the mood of the evening and that everybody understood it at the same time, so all the phrases were spoken both in Crimean tatar and Russian.

Themed quizzes, headscarf styling master-classes, fashion show (Crimean Tatar wedding dresses by Ms. Maire Liumanova and abayas from Dubai, provided by the “Hijab” shop) were held within the framework of the evening. Ms. Usnie Seitkhalilova, a mehendi master, drew a henna pattern in the end of the evening  for every woman willing.

“Beauty of the East can be amazing, impressing and inspiring. This also regards the clothing. Fashion and modesty are not necessarily opposite, and East in this context is, perhaps, the only region where age-old traditions in everyday wear are still appreciated,” — Ms. Arzy Arifova, the narrator, noted.

The guests could enjoy the nasheeds sang by their comrades and both Indian and Crimean Tatar folk dances as well.

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