Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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24.02.2014 / 1730

Masters from the Female Social Organisation “Noor” gave a free open master-class on cooking traditional dishes of Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.

The cuisines of Arab countries have very much in common:from basic ingredients to ways of cooking. In general, the Middle East cuisine is spicy (with lots of garlic, onion, olives, black and red pepper, cinnamon,  herbs, etc.), meat and cheese are popular components. And, of course, the East is famous for the various and countless desserts.

The “Noor” activists shared secrets of cooking for the most popular dishes - not only they shared the recipes, but also asked everyone to join the process, and a lot of participants volunteered eagerly.

Despite the guests’ anxiety, exotic cuisine was simple enough even for the beginners. “I always thought that Arabic dishes are very difficult to cook, but today I fully realized the contrary,” - one of the participants shared. - “I will cook it at home and make a pleasant surprise for my family!”

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